Need Help


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
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Lake Jackson, tx
my overflow which is internal is too noisy...just to quiet it down i had to place filter fiber in the bottom. it's only too noisy though when i have both of my pumps running. its seems that i have too much pump and my overflow box can't keep up with my drain into the refugium. should i use a valve on my pumps and regulate the flow and how can i make my overflow quiet.
Well, where is the noise coming from and what kind of noise is it? Gurgling? Splashing? Dripping? Pics would be helpful too ;)
gurgling and splashing, it sounds like a toilet flushing constantly. but i found something that might help called the durso standpipe. will that work and if it will, will i be able to run at full capacity or will the standpipe slow down my flow.
Probably... Tough to say without pics of what you're running. Is your tank drilled? And if so where? Bottom? Back?

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