Need Help


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok I'm having problems with Ty at the moment. Firstly I can no longer go out with Ty and Morgan on my own anymore as there are two dogs that live on the only way out of the street that he goes for. When we first moved in he was fine going past them but over the last 3 months he's got annoyed at their continous barking at him and has started to get really aggressive towards them and really pulling to get at them everytime even if their not there. I'm at my wits end with this behaviour as its not like him and he only does it to these two dogs.

Another problem that I've got is that he ran away from Chris at the park the other morning and came straight home which is unusual for him.

The final problem is that he barks at nothing all the time which he never used to do. I understand that this one is caused partly by lack of attention as days when I actually get to pay him more attention he doesnt bark as much. Unfortunately I find it hard to get time to spend with Ty as most of my time is taken up by Morgan and trying to keep the house in order which isnt working much lol
do you think the problem is with t or the other two dogs? is there any way in which they're behaviour is unacceptable and as such sort of justifies ty's behaviour or do you think it's him playing up?

I'm sure it's very difficult juggling the demands of a baby and a dog and keep on top of the housework too, god knows i struggle enough with a fella and 2 cats to look after let alone putting a baby into the equation. However if you think there's a problem with the time you can dedicate to Ty I'd suggest you sit down with Chris and take a look through all the household jobs, baby jobs and pet jobs and see if you can divide them up a little better between you so you still have time to spend with Ty, I know it might not be possible for a lot of people but possibly something like getting in a cleaner even if it's just for 1 hr a week, would give you 1hr more you can spend with Ty and Morgan and strike a better balance with your time.
Can we have a bit more info on Ty please - what breed (or rough guess if cross), how old, neutered or not, training, history etc? Also, what is he doing when he misbehaves around the other dogs - is he snapping or just barking, lunging or whatever? And what's he like with other dogs other than these two?

I'd be tempted to keep him on the lead if he's run off - if his recall's not 100% I'd stick him on a training line for a run around at the park, that way you have back up if he's distracted, and also if he's being aggressive you can reel him back in before he does any damage.

Has he met other dogs off lead - and if so what's his reaction?

I'm not very good with training/behavioural advice, but these are all things that folks who are will need to know - but what I can do is poke Kathy when she gets back from college and point her towards this thread ;)
Kathy's prodded me and run off to college....

Ooooooh juggling life, baby, dog........ eek, tough job!

Have to echo what Lisa has asked about Ty - the more info the better really.

Firstly - i know JUST how bad it is when you fear walking your dog because of an uncontrollable element, ie someone elses dog. I have had a similar situation here - its extremely unpleasant.

I would expect these other dogs are 'defending' their property, which is quite normal if totally undesirable, and more so if they spend a lot of time outside with nothing really to do but make pains in the backsides of themselves (the devil finds work for idle paws!)

Im not surprised your dog wants to retaliate - if you went past someone who screamed abuse at you every day adn you felt threatened, couldnt run away.... I bet eventually you would snap and give some abuse back - I know id want to!

What i think i would do, is teach Ty that when he goes past this house, he gets a great treat - whatever is his favourite, food or a raggy toy may help, if you have a tuggy game with him so he can get his frustration out on that rather than aggressing back at these other dogs.

Is it possible to get to a distance from these dogs where they are going nuts but HE isnt yet reacting, although is aware of them? If so, thats when you want to start giving him plenty of treats. Go closer, keep up the raggy game or treats - if he starts to react, back off again. And all the time (hard part.....) stay cheery and positive and happy, not panicy and shortening the lead etc, as this will tell him there IS something to be worried about.

As well as this - id teach him a few new commands. Behind me, where he steps behind you so you are between him and anything he finds threatening. (Treat in hand, to his nose then draw it back behind you and when he is stood behind you, give the treat. As he gets the hang of this ask 'behind me' and do it. Eventually you should be able to do this anywhere with just the command and a hand gesture, but take it slowly at first and practice everywhere you can.)

The other is 'watch me' where you ask him to pay close attention to your face - show him a treat and hold it up to your face, his eye will follow and when he gives you eye contact, reward him. Gradually lengthen the time between eye contact and reward.

This will give you more control over where his attention is - if hes focussing on you for a treat he cant be shouting at the other dogs.

More training stuff: Do little (5 minute, 10 max) clicker training sessions for various tricks, behaviours etc - doesnt *really* matter what you teach him, its the learning process thats important as he learns to seek new ways to please you (ie get you to click adn reward him), and you bond much better.
Do these everywhere, kitchen, living room, hallway, outside in the garden, on the pavement - basically everywhere your dog goes, train him. Because dogs are quite context specific - a command or cue learned and understood in one place may well NOT be in another (which often explains why dogs behave wonderfully at training classes but seem to completely forget it elsewhere!).

Other things to amuse him: Food is incredibly important to dogs and these days with dry food etc they can hoover up a days nutrition in around 5 seconds. Normally, eating raw food this would take up to an hour or more, so you can see that a LOT of a dogs day would be spent eating (or looking for the food to eat).

If you cant provide raw meaty bones for recreational munching, and not everyone can (i only provide BIG raw bones in summer out in teh garden as the smell makes me heave), the next best thing is a Kong - if you havent seen one it vaguely resembles a large red or black rubber space weevil (if youve seen a space weevil..... you probably havent :unsure: ).

Anyway, this thing is hollow, its pretty much indestructible even by the biggest of dogs (get the giant black ones).... stuff these wtih food, taken from his daily rations (or of low calorific value) and then he can spend his time getting the food back out again.

Stuffing a kong is quite an art (as is de stuffing one for your dog), you may need to start off with easy things so he gets the idea and gradually make it harder. You can stuff pretty much anything that dogs can eat in it - i smear some marmite and cream cheese in the bottom so they can smell it but not get to it easily, then some dog biscuits, a few bits of cheese, some veg etc and then some more cream cheese and a bigger biscuit to wedge up the end. This takes my dogs HOURS to empty. In summer we do chicken stock, frozen into the Kong - mmmmmmm chicken lollies!

The other thing thats good are interactive toys - ie, toys that are fun for the dog to play with on his OWN. Most dog toys are pants unless a human is involved.

There are some really good toys around though - Dr Noys Plush Toys are good,t hese have a pocket inside which has a squeaker in, you can leave that in or remove it and replace it with food - good for dogs who like to rip open toys.(
For dogs who like raggers and squeakys, there are Mr Twisters (wilkinsons and online) which are combination of rope, ball and squeaky all in one.
Then theres one of my favourites, I-qubes, Intellibones (and a few others i forget the name of) - the I-qube is a semi rigid fabric cube with holes to slot soft squeaky eggs into - you put them in, hand it to the dog and he has to get them out. Hours of fun. The intellibone is a bone shape with a series of rings over it, again soft toy - put the rings on and the dog has to pull them off. You can get those from (and they do clickers and clicker books and all kind of other things too).

Hope that all helps (and you can decifer my ramblings!)

Ok quick response sorry,

Ty is an 18mth old german shepherd cross with very basic training, still working on recall although it is getting alot better but he has off days especially when he's feeling left out. He has never run away from me in the park except to go see other dogs but he does come back in the end and he does get put on lead for misbehaving I'm looking to getting a lunging rein so that I can improve his recall but like I said he is improving each day.

I've tried to get his attention with his favourite treats to get him passed those two dogs and tried being on the other side of the street but its the same every time snarling, lunging, barking you name it all the aggresion signs from Ty just because they are barking at him. The two dogs are probably bored and fed up as they are left in a small yard that doesnt look large enough to sling a cat in yet alone have two dogs in for hours on end even Jack russell sized ones which these are.

I have a kong but hopeless at stuffing it so that he spends more than 10mins with it but do have a treatsball that I fill and he uses, he also gets chews and pigs ears.

Ok hope this helps unfortunately got to go feed morgan but if you need more info will post next time I get on.

I really appreciate your help thank you

Oh another problem is he keeps trying to jump the back fence that we have raised to nearly 7ft to get to these dogs and he is nearly managing it you have to tell him no everytime he goes out and I cant not let him out.
Hiya, being breif cos i need sleep....

K' thing one..... dont use being on the lead as a punishment.... its going to go one of two ways. Either he doesnt realise why it happens so its ineffective as a punishment, OR, he realises that for some reason, he goes back on the lead and doesnt come off it again.... meaning next time he remembers this and stays away fromyou for longer!

Try for now to walk in places there are no other dogs - if there are dont let him off.

Practice him going off, coming back, going on lead..... and then going OFF the lead again - vary where you call him back, how long he goes back on the lead and then off it again, so taht eventually, going back on the lead is NOT a sign that the fun is over, that being called back doesnt mean the end of the walk.

Use a longer lead, like a lunge line, practice recall on this if there are other dogs there (so take it on walks, if there are other dogs practice on the long line, if there arent, practice off it).

When he IS on the lead walking close to you, do fun things - toys, treats, do heelwork..... sits, downs etc when you stop.... throw in sharp turns in either direct so he MUST pay attention to you.

You need to become extremely important to him on walks or he wont need you and you wont be more exciting to him than other dogs.

If you are doing an off lead walk, ie no other dogs around - play games with him, dont leave him to amuse himself. Play hide and seek, hide behind trees....... suddenly start running in the other direction...... make him think every walk you are purposefully trying to LOSE him - he'll start to stick with you then! And your recall command will become much more important.

If an accident occurs, a dog appears from nowhere - say nothing, go over and retrieve your dog. DONT call him, its a waste of time and more importantly, hes likely to ignore it so the command eventually becomes meaningless (if you think it may have already, pick a new word). Any time you think a dog will ignore a command, dont give it! Go and get the dog instead of recalling it and failing.

As you become more important to him, by doing the above, and various other training and fun things wtih him, he will have less and less need to go mad at the dogs behind the fence - it wont happen instantly and if possible id try to avoid going past there for now - in any case, you can do loads of things on boring on lead pavement walks too, practice all his commands instead of just trudging round the block.

Kong stuffing is just practice - use cream cheese etc to keep stuff in or even better, put in bits of cheddar and then melt it all together in the microwave?!

If you feed wet tinned dog food or dry dog food, wet it down a bit more, shove it in the kong (blocking up the little hole if its runny) adn freeze that.

Try feeding him ALL his meals in two or three kongs instead of in his bowl and see if that makes a difference to his behaviour in the house.

As far as the fence is concerned - dont go upwards, make an overhang out of trellis - he wont clear it as he wont be able to judge how high it is, also as its not solid he would not want to put his feet on it to clear it - dogs dont like to try and clear objects that dont look solid - unlike say horses they jump ON to something, then over it, rather than straight over.


Ok thanks I have been doing the walking recall and putting on lead off and on during walks more often which is why he's been getter and am looking into getting the lunging line I think Lidle are selling them next week for £5.99 for 32ft which I think is ok. I just hate having to have him on lead alot now as its unfair I like him to play with other dogs. Think I might try and lock us in one of the tennis courts in the park to practice recall etc too. It's just hard to find time for just me and Ty to do these things as have to have Morgan in a sling and so that limits games we can play as cant run about and cant bend down to pick up sticks or toys (Ty wont give them up unless I'm sat on sofa in house and he wants to play fetch)

My problem with going to retrieve Ty is that I'm not allowed to run for another month or so, so by the time I eventually get there some serious damage could happen and I dont want to risk that as its not fair.

I really appreciate your tips and advice thank you very much, will bending the chicken wire over to cause a lip help to deter him from jumping over it as thats what he's trying to get over at the moment.

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