Need Help!


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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I just got a very nipped up girl from the lfs (I can't even tell her tail type!) ... She is having a lot of trouble swimming.. She ends up floating to the top on her side. She darts down every once in awhile. Right now I have her in a small bowl type thing with a bit of aquarium salt. I'm not sure what else I can do? :sad: I think she may have a bent spine..

Right now she is at the top of the bowl leaning against the side & eating bloodworms. Everytime she leaves the side of the bowl she rolls over on her side.

Any suggestions??

She's having so much trouble :-(
If she has a bent spine you could have fish tb, do not use any equipment you use on that bowl with out stlerlising it on any other tanks.
Plus i would wear gloves, she dosn't sound good at all, sorry.
Is it contagious? I got another girl from the same tank with no symptoms, she seems perfectly fine. I think it may have been caused by physical means.

Is there anyway to treat fish tb?
Not with a bent spine that when it's to late, she has swim bladder as well you could try tetracycline but she dosn't sound to good.

A fairly infectious bacterial disease, tubercolosis is becoming incresingly common. Affected specimens must be removed from the aquariym immediately so that other fishes aren't infected. A tubercular fish usually feeds normally, but loses weight as it's internal organs become damaged. Some fish develop nodules under the skin which eventually ulcerate, in other nodules develop behind the eye, causing "pop-eye".

The bacteria that causes the disease prefers cooler temperatures than most bacteria that infect humans. However, fish tuberculosis can affect people, usually in the for of an infected nodule on the skin, but there is a small chance that it will cause a serious internal infection. nce diagnosed in one of your fish, strict hygienic precautions should be observed. A definate diagnosis is only possible by a post mortem.

Things To Look Out For
Appears dull in colour
Weight loss
Folded fins
Ulcerous skin wounds

Seek vetinary advice. Affected fish should be removed and euthanized. Don't allow them to die in the tank as other inhabitants will eat them and become infected too. The tubercular fish's contacts should be treated: move them to a separate hospital tank, and disinfect the original aquarium. If other fish succumb, don't introduce any new specimens, euthanize all affected fish then clean, disinfect and re-stock the aquarium.
Is her belly bloated? My little Sakana used to have problems with constipation all the time, and that's what he would do. Feed her just a little bit of pea, and then don't feed her again for a day or two. If it doesn't clear up by then, I'm wrong. It wouldn't hurt to medicate the tank as well, in case it IS something else, though.

Also, I could be wrong, but I think I have read somewhere that salt makes constipation worse. So, maybe do a water change as well to take a bit of that salt out?
How can I be certain she has tb?

How long do you think she will be able to live with a bent spine? Is there anyway I can make things easier for her?

Here's a few pictures of her.. I've decided to her name her Nips



She's a cutie
Sorry she is cute, but if she does have a bent spine it's one of the symtoms of fish tb, though when they bloat up with bacterial problems there tail can bend.
But she still dosn't sound to good, try shelled peas, and frozen daphnia if she still eating bless her.
It wouldn't hurt to medicate the tank as well, in case it IS something else, though.

It is bad to medicate the tank just to see "if it works", all medications are Ichtytoxic (toxic to fish) and should not be mixed, and should only be given by the instructions and only if you are sure that that is the correct ailgment for your fish. medication is a last resort if every other biological thing is done, and you know what the disease is for sure.
:( I was going to post 3 questions and you have nearly answered mine.
Got 2 new girls turq one dark blue. The turq one had stripes..I said to bloke at aquatic centre is she stressed..he replied no...thats her colouring! OK where are the stripes gone today? She looked really cute with her stripes. :drool:
Been on this forum for a while but only ever read things about male bettas :D but now fancy females as well OMG what is happening to me!
She does look slightly bloated in that pic, but maybe it was because she just ate? Try her on some pea and see if that clears her up. I would also put her in a bare-bottomed bowl or tank so that you can see if she poos. That way, if she poos and is still acting this way, you know for sure that it's not constipation.
She's in a bare bottomed bowl right now. I can see she went potty too, so she might have just looked bloated cause I just fed her. It's definitely a bent spine.. it looks like she has a dent in her side. We think the guy might have been too rough with her at the pet store.. or the fact that she was in a tank with fish waay bigger than her. The guy didn't even know the two of them were in there.. Anyway, I don't think it's fish tb cause my other fish was in the same tank/bag with her and she shows no symptoms at all.

Here's Nips this morning.. she's in a bowl with aquarium salt & betta revive for her fins



And my other new one Ginger




I've decided that Nips is a DT too

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