Need Help With Water Circulation


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2006
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Lima Ohio USA
Objective: I want to eliminate dead spots give the fish who want to play/swim in the current and the ones who don't won't have to and wont get stressed.

Background: I have a 150 gallon with a adult oscar and 5 rather small clown loachs. I've had it for a little over a month now. I just got a fluval fx5 and put on it last night and will be ordering a second fx5 in a week or two. I did have the fx5 a penguin 350 hob and another 55 gallon hob on it. A little while ago tonight I got to looking at my two hobs and noticed the filters were the same size and I have room in my 350 two put the two filters from the 55 hob in there. So I did that and now I have the 350 on the left and the fx5 on the right. When I get my second fx5 later in a week or 2 I will be running all three until my fx5s cycle then I will be taking the hob off and using it else were.

Plain: Once I get my second fx5 I'm going to be getting a 55 gallon and stick my green terror thats in the 75 in there putting the oscar in the 75 by himself and keeping the 5 clown loachs in the 150 and making it a community. I don't plan on really small fish like neon tetras but the fish I do plan on will still be small and there will be all different kinds. I don't have a final stock list made but I do have some ideas and some would like a current and some wouldn't.

Back to Problem:

Basically right now the whole bottom of the tank is one big deadspot with debris just setting there waiting on the weekly water change. Everytime a fish swim over the sand debris comes up and starts floating around. Once the filters start to get it all cleared up here comes another loach bringing more up from the sand. Oh by the way by substrate is play sand my decor will be driftwood and rocks with some plants attached to the driftwood and rocks. Now what I would like to use are these This one is the biggest they have and I know 1200 gph would put out a heck of a current so I don't know if its no much or not. I figure using 2 or more would work best they do make smaller ones this is just the biggest one that I know of that the make. Now what I'm looking for is currents for the fish who want it no debris on the sand which would means no dead spots but I also want it to were it fish don't want the current they don't have to deal with it.

So what do you guys think how many and what size do you think I would need. I've used powerheads before but never these Korlias and I would like to use them unless you guys have a better idea.

I think those Korlias would be a good idea. You can direct the flow to exactly where you want it. I wasn't thinking well last night, I have had a few nights with only a couple hours sleep, so I was kinda foggy. With the tank being 6 foot long, you might have to have a few of these to do what I think you are wanting to do.
Heres a picture of my tank

I think those Korlias would be a good idea. You can direct the flow to exactly where you want it. I wasn't thinking well last night, I have had a few nights with only a couple hours sleep, so I was kinda foggy. With the tank being 6 foot long, you might have to have a few of these to do what I think you are wanting to do.
Thanks for the response drobby yeah I was thinking at least two would work best also, or maybe even more. What size would you recommend I'm thinking a couple of the biggest ones would be to much of a current and would be slamming the fish against the wall. :lol:

Oh and tank measurements are 72 inchs long x 18 wide x 25 high
How many you think I'm thinking ones not going to cut it that would be a lot of ground to cover. I was thinking about maybe starting with two but not sure or not even sure were to place then. First thing I though was maybe one on each side but I may run into a problem with them working against one another. I could put one on one side shooting down the back and one on the other side shooting down the front but then I don't know if that would be to much or if it would even cover the middle. Another concept I was thinking about that I really like and it would take care of dead spots was this but I have play sand as a substrate and I don't know how this would work with that. One thing I was thinking though was if I did go with the under gravel jet system if I put like a layer of Styrofoam on top and cut holes for the jets then lay ed the sand on top. Then I could add like one or two hydro koralias just for a current. Thinking about it more I'm really liking the under gravel jet system but like I said don't know how it would do with sand.
Well while I was feeding the fish a minute ago I got to thinking again :unsure:. Now the undergravel jet system would be nice I think it would just be to much of a pain. I would have to drain the tank completely take all the sand out build it and strategically place the jets and probably get them wrong like I usually do with things I'm not familiar with. While thinking and looking over the tank I think maybe four could could do it maybe want to go a bit smaller though if I go four. I was thinking maybe 2 on each side one towards the bottom on each side to cover that side and then one towards the top on each side to cover the middle. This may be to much though. I think it would cover the bottom really well but it may be to much of a current for the fish. Ughhh I think to much! :crazy: I wish I knew how much of a current they pushed out and how much of an area they would cover before buying them!
just watched a couple vidoes on youtube with saltwater tanks that have them and they seen to be pretty powerful. I may be able to get away with just two bigger ones like the 850 GPH like drobby mentioned.

To help keep the current down I may just go with one to start and see how that works I'd rather do that then buy two to find out its way to much current which I have a feeling it would be. Even one of that size might me to strong of a current for a community tank!

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