need help with tank mates


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
Weymouth Dorset UK
Hi All

I have a 200gallon and 150gallon tank, I was thinking of keeping the following in my 200g tank, can you let me know what you think.

9 Pangasius Catfish, 3 Black Ghost Knife Fish, 1 Marbled Garfish and 1 Lung Fish, I have all of these as the lfs said thats what they would think would go best in there, has anyone got any other suggestions or changes and why?

Also the 150g tank has just 1 12" Talapia but not sure what else to put in, got any suggestions, I am trying to get hold of a red snakehead to go in there with him.

Anyway let me know what you think


9 Pangasius Catfish, 3 Black Ghost Knife Fish, 1 Marbled Garfish and 1 Lung Fish, I have all of these as the lfs said thats what they would think would go best in there, has anyone got any other suggestions or changes and why?

You are joking arent you? Pangasius catfish grow to around 4 feet long or larger depending on the species, you couldnt even keep one for life in a 200g let alone 9!

The lung fish would eat every other fish in the tank, it not a matter of if its a matter of when, if anything id keep the lung fish as the soul inhabitant of the 150.
The red snakehead is another fish that can only be kept alone, the tilapia would be lunch as soon as the snakehead was big enough to get a bite hold on it, a red snakehead will require a 200g to its self when full grown.
9 Pangasius Catfish! As CFC said unless you plan on seriously extending, no. Personally I would re-arrange your tank plans taking out the Gar, Lung Fish and Pangasius Catfish. Or move the Lung Fish to the 150g where it can be the only fish. Then looks at fish like Bichirs, Dats, Sorubim Lima and other predatory fish that can co-excist without tank upgrading. :)
so your telling me ive been stitched up by my local fish shop?

The pangasius are the smaller kind, cant remember the name but NOT the Paroon shark species. I thought the lung fish were meant to be peacefull and would have been ideal for the knifefish to share with.

im stressed now, all these fish are tiny at the moment, longest being about 4" which is the pangasius and the talapia is about 12" long but hes on his own at the moment. How can a fish shop be allowed to give such false advice?

thanks for your help everyone back to the drawing board then eh?

T :sad:
technium said:
so your telling me ive been stitched up by my local fish shop?

The pangasius are the smaller kind, cant remember the name but NOT the Paroon shark species. I thought the lung fish were meant to be peacefull and would have been ideal for the knifefish to share with.

im stressed now, all these fish are tiny at the moment, longest being about 4" which is the pangasius and the talapia is about 12" long but hes on his own at the moment. How can a fish shop be allowed to give such false advice?

thanks for your help everyone back to the drawing board then eh?

T :sad:
As Lungfish grow they get very aggressive and grumpy. They won't do alot and therefore are sometimes picked on by faster moving fish, but be warned after lights out its a different matter. Adult Lung fish will try to kill anything they feel like killing so they must be kept alone. They are also good escape artists with their extra breathing organ so be warned.

Some LFS will give out bad advice I am afraid, the fish industry doesn't make loads of money so they need to secure sales and some do whatever it takes.

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