Need help with stocking

Fish Fanatic34

Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2023
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So I have a 4x2x2ft aquarium that I have setup as a South American Community tank. At the moment I have 1 Angelfish, 3 Elegant cories, 5 Krobia cichlids, 7 Anostomus Ternetzi and around 10-15 Rodway tetras. This is the current stocking and the tank is heavily planted, I definitely want to add more Elegant cories and have ordered another 5. I also want to add more Angelfish as some really cool F2 Altums are available. Do you guys think I should move some of the Krobias, and how many angels do you think I should get.

For filtration I'm running a fluval fx2.
Usually, people focus on the Cichlids when we talk of angel companions, but I'm looking at the Anostomus I haven't kept them, but a friend has had them for years, and they are quite robust and aggressive.
altums are too delicate for that assemblage, in my experience. They need very quiet company, and headstanders and Krobia won't be that. I think even scalare would suffer with the headstanders.

You have great taste in fish, but in fish for 2 large tanks, apart from each other.
Usually, people focus on the Cichlids when we talk of angel companions, but I'm looking at the Anostomus I haven't kept them, but a friend has had them for years, and they are quite robust and aggressive.
altums are too delicate for that assemblage, in my experience. They need very quiet company, and headstanders and Krobia won't be that. I think even scalare would suffer with the headstanders.

You have great taste in fish, but in fish for 2 large tanks, apart from each other.
So maybe removing the angles all together would be a better ?
To me, the main issue is the headstanders, with any other fish. I have admired them for many years, as I'm a bit of a pencilfish fan, but they are a different issue. Pencils are peaceful, and the headstanders I've watched have been more like splash tetras - downright nasty and ill tempered. In time, I expet the Krobia and rodwayi are going to take a beating. The Cory (now Gastrodermus) elegans might also be picked on. My friend keeps his in very large tanks with serious flow, in with no fish smaller than they are.
I agree with those who have concern about the A. ternetzi. I've kept that species and its larger and even rowdier cousin, Anostomus anostimus and like them both but they don't always play well with others. True, A. ternetzi is less problematic, and 7 is a good number of them to have (with any Anostomus more is better) but I would not consider keeping them with Angels or any slow-moving or thread-finned species. Certainly not with altums. Add to that, all Anostomus love a lot of current.
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