Need Help With Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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I wanna get a tank set up...thinking 55 gal at the most.

I want a school of long finned red tetra minors. So maybe like 5 or 6.
1 dwarf gouami...herd two males together will fight. (right?)
1 leopard spotted corey catfish

And I reeeeeeeeealy want a clown laoch...

but you have to have more than one right?

Would it be okay if I got like 2..would they be unshy..or would I have to get like 3..?
Then when they got to big put them in the 125 we have which has an oscer and a pleco in it?

also I realy like the striped repheal catfish...could I get one of those in there too?

Is that too many bottom feeders,'re all just so cute.


any ideas or changearoos?
I wanna get a tank set up...thinking 55 gal at the most.

I want a school of long finned red tetra minors. So maybe like 5 or 6.
1 dwarf gouami...herd two males together will fight. (right?)
1 leopard spotted corey catfish

And I reeeeeeeeealy want a clown laoch...

but you have to have more than one right?

Would it be okay if I got like 2..would they be unshy..or would I have to get like 3..?
Then when they got to big put them in the 125 we have which has an oscer and a pleco in it?

also I realy like the striped repheal catfish...could I get one of those in there too?

Is that too many bottom feeders,'re all just so cute.


any ideas or changearoos?

corys need to be in groups, 3 minimum, best in groups of 6. i would recommend 6.

2 male gouramis will fight

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