Need help with stocking - again

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Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
I am terribly undecided.
I recently moved some of my white cloud mountain minnows from one of my tank to another, and they look amazing there, but this left a hole for a new fish in a tank. and I am simply not sure what I want.

Tank dimensions 110 cm x 40 cm x 45 cm, so it is roughly 150 liters/ cca 39 gallons. Tank doesnt photograph well due to spot algae on the glass I always forget to clean. Some light, some plants, mostly moss, anubias, java fern, salvinia, stones with hidey holes in them.
7x panda garra, love those
10x wcmm
3x male dario hysginon, had no other place to put them and they are there for few months now and still alive, so all ok. I target feed them microworms and I suspect the shrimp babies keep them fed.
100 x shrimp, I dont necessarily need a fish that wont harm the babies, but I dont want a fish that will actively hunt the adults either
some brotia pagodula snails



I recently put in a heater as I removed the WCCM , so the water is at 24°C, my pH is neutral, around 7, sometimes 7,2 and my water is REALLY soft, like 1,06 mmol/l. All my other tanks are soft water fish and even sort of blackwater setups. This tank doesnt really have botanicals nor wood so it has the 'highest' pH out of my tanks..

Now the dilema. I can either go with a new schooling fish, my picks are:
Cherry barbs, Danio erythromicron, Sundadanio axelrodi, Danio choprae
Or some rice fish, Oryzias, depends on which variant I would be able to get
Or other Pseudomugil, I already have luminatus in my other tank and I absolutely love them, I dont know if gertrudae or furcatus might work, but on the other hand there is a lot of flow (moderate amount) and they may not like it

or maybe I could try some of the livebearers, I never had active livebearers in any tank, since I like my tank under populated and low maintenance (I still do a 20% wc each week, but you know) and my soft water is not usually good for live bearers.
My choices, if any, would be : Heterandria formosa - Least Killifish, Poropanchax normani - Normans lampey or Neoheterandria elegans - Tiger teddy.

or maybe go with some different individual fish, like Trichopsis pumila - sparkling gourami or a group of some loaches, like Yunnanilus brevis - Inle loach.

I just dont know what direction to go from here. No rush, but a discussion would be nice, personal experience, what would work better/ look better. I am all about interesting, not visually, but behavior wise, breeding wise, something. I am so over boring tetras or rape-like guppies. For example the WCMM have entertained me for the past two years, by their display behavior, chasing, and even my breeding attempts. And they are also visually pleasing!! They are such a win, but I am ready for something new.


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