need help with Snakehead


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
Weymouth Dorset UK

I have a red snakehead approx 10" long in a 6 x 2 x 2 tank. When ever I look at the tank he is always at the top of the water with his top part of his body on the surface. Ive never taken much notice but this time I saw that his skin was peeling at the top is this because he stays at the very top, if so why is he doing this and is there anything I should do?

The tank has a overflow sump for filtration and all water tests seem fine. Ive had him now for about 2 Months and everything has been fine uptill now.

Any help or advice appreciated.


It is normal snakehead behaviour to lay in wait at the surface but the peeling skin doesnt sound good, you could try installing a powerhead right at the surface of the water so it creates some waves which will cover the snakeheads back.
CFC said:
It is normal snakehead behaviour to lay in wait at the surface
That's good to know! Our Gachua started doing this a couple of days ago and we were about to post a question about it!

Up until then he'd just been hiding away since we got him.

I guess it's a sign that he's finally settled in to his new home and gained confidence!

Thanks for the info CFC...and sorry to hijack your thread technium!
No problem SirMinion

Thanks everyone, I think I will try to add the power head suggestion and see if that works but like you mentioned it could also be the lights, although the lights are only on for about 4 hours in the evening and there is a sheet of perspex covering the tank, but I think the powerhead could make a difference.

Also chucked in some antibacteria stuff in the tank too just to make sure.

Thanks again!!


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