Need Help With Rs


New Member
Jun 1, 2009
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I don't know whats going on seems like all my shrimps are dying one by one they are dropping like seems like they just go into a paralysis state after flopping around for abit. I don't know what i'm doing wrong.....i've checked all the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and they all stayed at neutral with a pH of 7-7.2 the water temp is at 75 it is planted. BUt still they are dropping like flies and it is bugging the heck out of me......the plants that i have are amazon swords, java moss, moss ball, and a few water lettuce so I don't know whats causing them to die. Although i've never seen a shrimp shed before but I am hoping for the best that they are just shedding....
What do the "bodies" look like are they clear/pale white or pink?
What species of shrimp are you keeping?
Have the live and active shrimp got any white colouration where they should e clear?
They are red cherry shrimps and yes some of them become pale and some of them has a white line marking down there back.....a few of the active ones are turning white and some are still red.....
i haven't used any meds at all......all i did was transfer them all to a new and bigger tank. Everything that i put in teh new tank was from the old tank including the water which they've been living happily for over a few months now....

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