Need Help With Rainbowfish, Please


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2006
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Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
I got my first Rainbowfish a week ago, and it's a fussier eater than a pre-teen girl! All it likes is frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms, rejecting several types of flake and pellet. What do you feed your Rainbowfishes?

I don't know what species it is either. From pictures online, I'm guessing Melanotaenia splendida. Anyone know? It's about 3" long. Here's a shot.
Thanks a lot in advance!

We have red rainbowfish and ours too prefer bloodworm or daphnia. I read that these fish have very narrow oesophagus which prevents them from eating too big or too dry food. Maybe that's why yours doesn't like flake or pellets, They're uncomfortable for it to eat?

I would get a few more of these if you have the room, they are stunning when in a small shoal and can really bring energy and colour to a tank.
All mine are happy to eat all 3 diffirent types of Tetra Pro Crisps. Just persist. It will eventually get the message if it gets hungry enough and will start eating the more readily available flakes/crisps.

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