Need Help With Otos


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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i thought i might make a new thread in case nobody has been following my other thread but friday night i bought 4 otos and now 2 are dead they ate all the visible green algae on my plants and ornaments and there is hard to see algae on my tank is that not enough for them? How do you grow your own algae i have a rock in a plastic container right now by the window but it doesnt seem to be growing algae. i also am going right now to get some algae wafers with my friend and a glass bowl to try glass for growing algae anyboyd know if i am doing something wrong or is there something else i can do please tell me :crazy:
it not the algae thats the problem. Unfortunatly otos die in great numbers when introduced to a new tank, even if its well established. They are really not that hardy of a fish and slight changes in chemistry will often kill them. Nobody can really explain why they die like this, even the most experienced fish keeper will have some troubles when first introduced into the tank. Its nothing that your doing wrong, its the fish themselves.
well the otos dont seem to be eating the algae wafers but the guppies and ghost shrimp are what is up with this
Oto's can take time getting used to dried foods like algae wafers, its not somthing they are naturally programed to eat you see, but they should take to algae wafers and other dried foods like catfish pelets given a little time- i find my oto's first took cucumber rather than algae wafers when i was trying to introduce them to other foods :thumbs: .
Never buy Otto's that have been in the LFS for just a few days, always ask how long they have had them. If you are told less than a week go back to the shop a week later and see if they have any left, and how they are looking. If they seem really thin then don't buy them.
I have kept Otto's for years and have found if they survive the first couple of days in your tank they'll do fine. Put your algae wafers in at night when the tank lights were off!

ok i will try the algae wafers at night but do otos eat freeze dried tubiflex worms because mine seem to be eating them

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