Need Help With New Crayfish...


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2007
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I bought a crayfish from work today for $0.26, he came in with the feeder fish so I got him for the cost of a large comet as we have no way to price him. I did some research, and I believe (s)he is a Orconectes obscurus (aka Allegheny Crayfish), or a similar species. I have him home now in a filtered, unheated 1 gal. tank for the time being. I just need some basic info for this type of N. American crayfish (temp., tank size, food) and any other helpful tidbits you can provide (signs of health/illness, meds./supplements to use, etc.). Thanks guys! :good:
No idea about that particular species but the Fish and Game services have plenty of info on their websites.
Generally freshwater crayfish are pretty tough and will eat anything from plants to fish and any sort of fish food. They are general scavengers and aren't too fussy about what they eat. They can be fed once or twice a day.
They need well filtered water with minimal nitrates but are tolerant of various PH levels. They don't tolerate rapid PH swings but they can tolerate variable levels if the PH is changed over a period of time.
They do best in slightly alkaline water with some GH so they can absorb the minerals (primarily calcium) for their shells.
They will climb out of the tank so covers should be fitted.
Many are cool water but some are tropical. You need to find out what species it is and that should help you work out the temperature range for it.
They are nocturnal and hide under rocks during the day.
They don't have too many diseases. The most common one is a fungus that grows on their shells and makes them look white and fluffy. You can treat it with salt. It is harmless enough tho and usually goes when they moult.
Don't handle them for at least 24 hours after they have moulted otherwise you can kill them. If you see their old skin in the tank just leave them be for a couple of days.
If they lose a leg or claw it will grow back when they moult.
Thanks Colin! The only other question I have is how much should I feed him/her. (S)he is about 4.5 inches long. I feed him/her 3 2 inch strips of shredded carrot and put 4 betta pellets which will sink and he can pick up. I though he/she would like the betta pellets as they are made with fish and brine shrimp (they're Hikari Betta Bio Gold), so will he? Thanks again. :)
feed it as much food as it can eat in 5 minutes. Any food left on the bottom after that time should be removed.

To sex crayfish look at their legs where they join the body. The males have a little lump on their lower set of legs (closest to the tail) where they join the body.
The females have the lump on the 2nd set of legs from the head.
You will have to look underneath the crayfish to see it.

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