Need Help With My New Orbit Compact Fluorescent Luner Light

Jeff Lange

Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
I purchased a 36" Orbit Compact Fluorescent Light fixture for my unplanted 65 gallon tank and am wondering if it is possible to replace the day lights to a lower watt than the 2 96 watt bulbs that are in it.

The light has 2 96 watt w/ lunar. Its a duel daytime white light ( 6700K/10,000K) , a duel Actinic ( 420nm and 460nm)
Is it possible to replace the 2 96 watt bulbs with a lower wattage so it is not as bright?The light is a very nice light w/ 3 Lunar Lights. The fan is on nonstop when the daytime white lights are on which I am not to pleased with , but all in all a very nice light.

My fishload is as follows:

2 angelfish Pair and lay eggs every 11 days or so
2 Clownloaches
6 Coradoras
1 BGK 4"

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