Need help with microscopic identification


New Member
Jul 31, 2021
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Hi guys. Recently we lost multiple fish very quickly. They presented with 'fuzzy' grey/white growth and once it was identified the fish would pass usually within a day. We have a common pleco who has the growth and also small white flecks all over as well as cloudy eyes- photo attached. Hes pulled through so far for a few days now but his appetite is down. Current treatments include ich medication (half dose per treatment due to the pleco), erythromycin, and treating the water with a small amount of aquarium salt, 1tbsp per 5 gal. Temp is around 77 farenheit. 30ish percent water changes every other day. We've been all over the board trying to rule out ich, chilodonella, epistylis, velvet and fungal infection. I was able to get a sample of the growth and checked it out under the microscope. Attached are images of the orgsnisms I found. I'd love some help with identification.


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It's not bacterial so don't use erythromycin because that is an anti-biotic that should only be used on known bacterial infections that have not responded to normal medications. Improper use and mis-use of anti-biotics has lead to drug resistant bacteria that kill people, birds, animals, fish and reptiles.

There are flukes and protozoans in some pictures.

The small white dots and the cluster of single organisms in the slide are something else, probably protozoan.

Increase the salt to 2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres (5 gallons) or try malachite green. However, be careful using malachite green because it is carcinogenic (causes cancer). Avoid getting it on yourself and wash hands with soapy water after handling any medication.
I understand the concept of creating anitbiotic resistantance. Of course they shouldn't be blindly thrown around. With that said, its difficult to get a confirmed diagnosis of a bacterial infection in fish. We saw many symptoms of them, and after seeing multiple deaths it eventually became one our later lines of treatment/prevention.

I appreciate the advice and will be upping the dose of salt and confirming that our ich medication contains malachite green.

Interested to see if I can get an actual species identification on the protozoa.
The following books might be able to help you identify the species of protozoa.

Textbook of Fish Health, 1987, DR GEORGE POST

Baensch Aquarium Atlas volume 1. Freshwater.

You can find both of these on Ebay if you don't mind secondhand books, or online for new. They both have diagrams and descriptions of common fish diseases and might be able to help you id the organism. Libraries might have these books too.

If they can't help, contact a high school or university biology lab and send them pictures and see if they can ID them for you.

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