Need Help With Identifing Disease

Queen Bee

Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
Markham Ontario
I think I have been treating my guppy with the wrong medication. I was sure he had fin rot, then it looked like a fungus. Someone suggested that it may be columnaris. At first I thought maybe, now I am not so sure. I need some help here. I don't see any red Lines or dots. I don't see spiky white spots. The mark on his head is smooth not slimy or mucusy. Was still eating, but haven't fed him today or yesterday. I am keeping lights out, as this seems to stress him. Tank is coming to end of being cycled. He has been in the tank since the 6. Things started going bad on the 10.

Tank size: 10 gallon
pH: 6.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5
kH: 0
gH: 180
tank temp:76

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Guppy has frayed tail with a couple of white spots on it. He had a bit of scale lifting on his nose yesterday, today it is gone and a big yellowish white spot on the top of his head. End of tail is not clean frays, but almost mushy like. He darts around the tank when I turn the light on. He is always hiding from me. Mouth, eyes look normal. No discolouration or film.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Every 4 days or so. Still cycling watching ammonia & change water accordingly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Was using primafix on Oct 12. 2nd dose on 13 appeared to stress out fish. Did immediate water change and put charcoal back in. Started on 14 with jungle fungus cure. Symptoms looked more like fungus than fin rot.

Tank inhabitants: Had another guppy who had more severe fin fray and whitish cottony tips on all his fins than the remaining one. He has since died (Oct 14) Had a snail in there, removed him before adding medications.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Added some crushed coral on Oct 14

Exposure to chemicals: None

Also, what should I do about the chemicals in the tank? Water is still yellow from the fungus medication. How long to wait before I start a new treatment? I have a spare tank, not filled and not cycled. Would that be better for him?
The yellow spot shine a torch on it to see if it glows a golden colour.
How big is the spot.
Any redness to the yellow spot.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Any fish laboured breathing.
Darting around the tank can be bad water quality, stray voltage, overdose of med, toxins in the water, parasites.
Columnaris has many disguises can come in colours of greyish white, brown, yellow, pink.
The white on the fish does it look like bleaching beneath the skin.
Also so the scales look like there peeling.
Didn't you do another thread saying your tank has white spot on plants and ornaments.
When I shine a light on the guppy, he does have a golden tinge to him. (Both where he is silver and blue). Could this be staining from the fungus meds? Tank water is still yellow. White spots on the tail are gone.(looked like ick spots not bleaching spots)

No redness at all to any part of him. Breathing is normal. Guppies do dart around alot, but he seemed to dart away from light. This afternoon, he is swimming around like he is looking for something. Light does not seem to bother him too much.

No scratching, does lie at the bottom.

Did give the guppy a flake this morning. He had difficulty finding it, but when he did, he ate it up.

Tail does look much better. No white clumpy ends.

The spot on his head is more of a dark brown. It is just behind where the scales looked like they were lifting. It is the width of his body and about 1cm long. Lifting scales are no longer visable.

Yes, this is the same tank that had the white spots on glass and ornaments. Ornaments are free of white spots now and only a small part of the glass (where air stone is strongest) are lightly visable.
So no flicking and rubbing at all.
The brown on the fish head does it look fluffy in appearance.
Is the yellow spot still visable.
Can you describe it. Does it look raised.
Any snails or fish from a pond.
Nothing raised or fluffy about the spots at all.

The brown spot looks almost like he skinned himself. Round top of his head behind the eyes.

The yellow is more of a discolouring than a spot now. It more distinct below the eyes and where the 2 (don't know the name) side fins come out of the body. It doesn't spread all the way down his fins though. These areas are usually silvery white.

I did have a snail in there. I have removed him since this all started. Not from a pond though. Bought him at PetSmart.

Been sitting having lunch and coffee. Been watching the guppy. Did a 25% water change and put carbon back in. He tried to get the gravel as it floated up the gravel vaccuum. He has been swimming around and not darting from me when I sit at the tank to see him better. He appears much calmer than he did earlier today and the past few days.
Can you issolate the sick fish.
I would try a bacterial med.
Colunmaris can show itself in brown and yellow.
If there was a parasite involved would of expected to see signs of flicking and rubbing themselves on things in the tank.
There is no one else in the tank with him. The other guppy died and I am not introducing any new fish until this thing is settled. I am afraid of losing another tank of fish since my unfortunate incidents in August.

He doesn't seem to rub at all. He did spend the first couple of days lying inside the leaves of a fake plant in the tank. Other than his weird colouring right now, you would never know something has been going on.

I am home for the night. I am going to keep a close eye on him. Other than the colouring, he doesn't seem to exhibit many of the signs of columnaris. At first I thought maybe, now I am not so sure.

Bacterial med? Anything specific you recommend? I do really like jungle products if there is something by them.

How long should I wait to add it. I did a dose of the fungus med on the 14. Only put in one dose. How long will it be in the tank for? Don't want to get meds all mixed up in there.
He dosn't sound right to me resting can be a sign of a bacterial infection.
Usually the fish will lay on the bottom of the tank to oneside or rest in plants.
I would do a water change and run some black carbon to get the meds out of the tank.
You can add the med the next day.
You could use maracyn one and two or maracyn plus.
Do you have any bacterial jungle meds.
He dosn't sound right to me resting can be a sign of a bacterial infection.
Usually the fish will lay on the bottom of the tank to oneside or rest in plants.
I would do a water change and run some black carbon to get the meds out of the tank.
You can add the med the next day.
You could use maracyn one and two or maracyn plus.
Do you have any bacterial jungle meds.

I don't have any bacterial meds. Did stop at petsmart, they have all 3 of the maracyn meds. Any one of them better than the other?

Looked up jungle labs. They have tablets called lifeguard. It fights bacterial, viral, parasidic, and fungal infections all in one. Always doubtful of all in one remedies.
I have bad experince with Guppys too; Not that there was bad water chemistry. It is the breeders who breed them in a mix DNA. New generation of Guppys are getting more fancyer less stronger. White Spot is a sign of stress from the Guppy; they can't cop with the stress.
I would go with the maracyn products if you can get them there meant to be good.

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