My fish are dying and I don't know why. It's not due to overstocking as all of the fish are still juveniles. Symptoms are the fish developes what looks like white spots all over it's body(only the clown loach has had this happen, the tinfoils have it develope on their head only) like ick but larger. Labored breathing, red spots on some of the scales like it's bleeding a little. Lazy fish syndrom. The water parameters have been perfect in eveything but high nitrate. Did 3 water changes this week and still high nitrate. It's spreding like wildfire. All of the fish are getting it, even the healthy ones. At first their was a case of ick that everyone got. I treated with quick cure adn it got rid of the ick, but then those weird spots got there. So I treated with melafix, no good. So I treated with pimafix, no good. So now I'm treating with super sulfa and we'll see what happens. I treated 4 hours ago and it looks like they are getting worse. And in the mean time, my fish are dropping like flies. I lost half already. Is this just a weird strain of some disease?