Need Help With Bristlenose Catfish


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Mortdale, Sydney

I recently purchased a young Bristlenose Catfish and i just recently noticed whitish yellowish dots along all of its body including its fins. At first i believed it to be part of the catfishs appearances. But i kinda noticed that some of them protude out. I was wondering if it is white spot (but they appear yellow so i have my doubts) or just part of the fishes natural complexion.
Any advice would help. I've already given one dose of White Spot Eliminator today. Still waiting to see results there.
Please advise!!

Thank You. (I would take a photo but my camera is too crap)
Would this yellow grub disease appear as pin head size dots that are everywhere on the fish and seem to form cysts? I just bought this bristlenose and it is still a baby. I called up my LFS and they recommended Triple Sulfate. I just wanted your opinion and whether it is or is not yellow grub. Just repeating the info, the dots look like those common during white spot infections except they have a yellowish tinge and seem to form cysts. After noticing these symptons yesterday my other fish seem to be flicking around quite significantly as well today. However they do not have the dots yet. Luckily they are all still in quarantine so i need medicaiton and diagnosis fast. Thanx
No much about yellow grub to be honest don't come across it in the hobby much.
Do a search for you.

Found this so it does sound like a parasite with the flicking also.
Black Spot. Small black or brown spots upto 2mm in size on the body ... Yellow Grub. Similar to black spot. Causes black or yellow spots in tropical fish. ...

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