Need help with anchor worms


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2004
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:( Help! How do you get rid of anchor worms? I recently got a fish from the store and 2 days later discovered it had anchor worms. I immediately removed the fish, but now my 2 favorite black mollies have them. I have added Quick Cure, and also "Tank Buddies" fizzing tablets. Then after about a week, I changed 50% of the water, and did it again, but they still won't go away. I even added salt and raised the temp. I don't want my favorite mollies to die. How do I get rid of these things?
How in the world am I supposed to catch these fish and remove them with tweezers?
I am pretty positive that melafix will cure anchor worms, go to your local fish store and read some of the products but I think melafix is what I used to treat my friends gourami.
:fish: Catch the fish and hold it in a wet towel, then grasp the end of the worm closest to the fish with a pair of tweezers and pull it out, treat the tank with melafix to preventy secondary infections

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