Need Help! Sticking Background Scenery To Inside The Tank!?


New Member
Apr 7, 2013
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okay my fish are in a bucket and need to put them back in the tank as soon as possible,

I just cleaned the whole tank and the waters been drained out, 
but yesterday i bought some background scenery picture that i want to put on the back,but it has to be on the inside because the back of the tank is black..

Is there anyway to put the scenery on the inside of the tank?
thanks for the help :)
The only background that I know goes on the inside is the 3D variety.  If using that type you need to turn the tank on its back and use silicone and then weights on it until the silicone sets.  The danger you have with putting a background on the inside is that the fish could swim behind it, hence it normally takes a couple of days or more with the 3D and the silicone setting.  Also, the tank needs to be 100% dry for the silicone to take effect.  With the type you have bought I believe they are designed for outside the aquarium so am unsure whether they would break down or "leak" in the water?  I would have contacted the manufacturer to check.  The other alternative would be to find what is on the back of the tank and clean it off if possible, although I would be tempted to leave it black or you could end up with a big mess.
Considering your predicament with fish needing to return ASAP I think this time I would say you could not fix the background to the aquarium.
Can you tell us why you have done a total strip down/clean of your aquarium?  What size is the tank?  Have you kept the original media from the filter in the bucket with the fish i.e. wet and warm?  Have you changed or cleaned the substrate at all?

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