Need Help Picking 1 Betta Breeds Any Suggestions?

If you're going to breed them I would suggest just getting more crowntails. As for me...I love all breeds of bettas, but I have veiltails and deltas.
Deltas and halfmoons are the same thing...its just that the halfmoons have a larger tail span. I still love my babies, though...they've got beautiful tails!
Just curious have you completed researching what it will take to breed. Cost of fish and multiple tanks and all that goes with them (one for male, one for female, at least one more for babies). Do you have homes lined up for the babies? If it's a smashing success do you know what you will do with them all? How to condition water, tank and fish? How to know when their ready and how to handle the actual breeding? It's a lot, I know I'd love to do it but have to admit to myself that it's to much for me, at least right now. :)

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