Hi Beechy and
to the salty side.
Hope you are planning on doing a lot of research today
So you are getting a marine tank with a pair of clowns and a yellow tang, lovely.
What are your plans for moving everything? You need to get yourself some containers large enough to move the rock in water.
Buy new aragonite sand - 20lbs should be enough
What powerheads does the tank have - you need this for flow round the rocks (the live rock is the heart and lungs of the tank, treat with care).
Ensure you have anti histamin in the cupboard - there are many things in marine tanks that can cause allergic reactions. If you are particularly sensitive to rections wear gloves, might be a good idea to wear them anyway!
Do you have a tank or container you could put the fish in whilst you put in the rock (first) and then the new sand?
Where are you going to buy your salted RO water, you will need to do a water change probably in about a weeks time.
Have you got your test kits - at least, ammonia, nitite and nitrate for the moment (salifert)?
What skimmer is on the tank and do you know what they do?
Piece of bad news, the tang is going to get too big for that tank, so you might consider rehoming him before you get attached.
Are there any corals in the tank?
What is the lighting?
And what made you decide to jump straight in to marine?
All the best
Seffie x