Need Help In Making A New Tank Ok There Is A Lot Of Info And I Want To


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Aug 18, 2011
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ok there is a lot of info and i want to make sure I have things right.
I have a small 160 gal pond I built so my blind wife could enjoy the goldfish. she can see them if the fish come up to eat. well I had a fish die that was hidden and that caused several more fish to die. The problem is with only three goldfish left they don't come up to eat very well. So of course she can't see them or pet them like when we had more.
So I am debating on buying some more larger goldfish in hopes they come up. Or making an indoor tank/pond.
If I made one it would be a wooden box three or four sides depending on my budget with a light colored interior for easy viewing. I would line the sides and floor with either thin plexi to an expanded pvc and seal the seams like you normally do. I have made one like this before and it worked great.
ok here are the questions. if I make the box approx 2'x4'x36" or 4'x'4 that would give me 180 gallons or almost 300 gallons. the glass would sit in a groove on the sides and bottom how thick of glass would I need or acrylic?
ok I have my filter and pump from the pond if I do this.
I have one of these
it is rated for 700 gal pond so that's inflated but still I have a 600 gal pump to go with it. I have an external bio shower I built for it too. I would plumb it through the floor so I don't have to work to change the water.
I may heat this s oI can have tropical fish in it too. but I would need fish that are day to see and don't stay too small.

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