Need Help In Iding Pleco


Apr 24, 2006
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I saw this lovely fish at my LFS, labeled Spotted Ancistrus Pleco. Anyone have any idea what it could be? It was around 5", and was stuck to the glass at the front of the tank. It was a pale tan, off-white with small dark spots. I couldn't get the best view of it, and had no camera at the time. If anyone knows what type of pleco is labeled that at LFS' I would be grateful. Thanks!
Hmm, I think it was either the L309 , the Red Spot Bristlenose, L032, or the L182. I think I'll go back today and ask, though.
I thought the red spot was dark with pale/orange spots rather than the other way round? :dunno:

Yeah, looking at those L numbers, they're all the opposite way round colouring wise to the one you described.
Hah, shows how much I'm paying attention. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I went back to the lfs, and I saw this pleco again. I must say I was totally wrong in what it looked like. :blink: :blink: It's black or a very dark brown with small white spots all over it. I think maybe it's a starry night Bristlenose, or whatever it is that those are called.
It could also be a Common Bristlenose (Ancistrus sp 3), as they're often spotty and I've read of them being sold as "Spotted Bristlenose". :dunno:
One of my bristle noses is almost black with white spots but they seem to change shade a little depending on circumstances like substrate, stress etc. so mybe he was lighter one day and darker the next (not dramaticly though) The others are brown and dark brown all with white spots. Don't know if this helps.
Hmm, maybe, but this one is WAY more expensive that the spotted BN I got at that syore. Would a common be worh more? Or does it depend on the lfs?

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