need help identifying fish


New Member
Apr 22, 2004
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I just purchased two fish this afternoon and for the life of me can't recall what they are. The fish store is closed now and I was going to go online tonight to try and find more information on the fish. Since I don't have a picture to add, I'll do my best to describe the fish.

The are about the size of a black widow tetra, however, they have a fairly pronounced "parrot" looking face. They are yellow/peach in color and when mature will be a rosy/orange/peach color. The adult fish I saw (and when asking the owner about size) was about 4-5 inches long and looking quite like an overgrown fancy goldfish. The body was well rounded and the face still had the distinct parrot shape. They are social fish, generally preferring to be paired with another fish of the same species. They are rather active and prefer the middle of the tank.

I realize that my description doesn't really do justice, but any hints anyone might have would greatly help me out being able to find more information on them. Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:

If I don't get it figured out tonight, I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow and call the store back again. I so hate waiting though! :D
I just looked up some pictures of the blood parrot and they look very much like the adult I saw at the store today. Thank you. This does give me something to go on.
Does this look like it? If so, it's a parrot cichlid. If I'm correct, they're hybrids. Look 'em up on the net if that's the fish! Hope you're able to figure it out! :)

Yes, this is exactly what I have.

I googled it and the picture on the lower left is exactly how my fish look right now. I'm rather scared by the says they can reach a max size of 8". I thought they matured around 4-5". Guess I'll be buying a bit larger tank in the future for them.

I truly appreciate the quick response. Thanks so much!
parrots should live upto 12years or so if kept properly.

what worries me is that you say he is a peachy colour. i do hope you have not bought a dyed blood parrot :(

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