Need help Identifying fish


Fish Herder
Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Vermont
What is this fish? I saw him in a book I was reading. he looks like a rainbow fish but does anyone know what the scientific name is? thanks :D
Sorry the drawing is so bad, I had to use paint to show what he looks like.
for some reason the attach imamge button isn't here :/
I'll try to descirbe it then. it has a grren oval body with a green tail that has white spots on it. all of the fins are red, but near the edges they change to yellow, then to green. its belly is red and has a light green border.
Its neither of those (I though watermellon fish was sure to be it :lol: ). I've done alot of reaserch, and I'm begining to suspect maybe its not a rainbow fish, I only assumed it was because its top fin (no idea what you call that ) is shapped like a parralelogram (instead of a 'fin') and because I saw it in a banner advertiseing for rainbow fish (although the link the banner provided didn't help in finding the fish).
Frank , that's a cool looking fish , where does it come from [ somewhere down under ]. Did the book say how big it gets or what it eats . Let us know , or at least me . thanks Lucky
I'm having trouble finding info about it, but from other pictures of it, it seems that the picture I found is an exceptionally colorful one, and they are usually a little more drab, the green upper part of their body being a little more red. they grow around 3.5 inches, and they feed on small live foods and algae. :)
I don't know how easy they are to get a hold of though.

Pictures of more Typical Empire Gudgeons



Possably a female

Here is another nice one
Empire goby (it's the 3rd down under Queensland Gobies)

I hope this help, you may have to buy a special goby book to find out any real info though. Here is a good site with lots of Australian Goby pics Goby page

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