I bought this puffer about 2 months ago and it was sold to me as a figure 8. Now i had him in a tropical tank which i know is wrong for a figure 8.. but i did. So his belly was always black n i assumed it was because he needed brackish water, so i took him to the pet shop for them to adopt. So hes been in the per shop now.. in brackish water for about a month and he still ha a black belly for some reason. Now i have noticed that he is definatly not a figure 8 puffer as his patterns are completly different. He is not a figure 8, green puffer, south american puffer or any other puffer i have come across. Could someone please tell me what puffer he is as the pet shop asked if i wanted him back, and i would love to take him back but as long as i know what he is so i can provide for him. There is a link to the video of him but be aware he looks bigger, hes about 2" in size. thank you ppeople