Need help identifying a fish


New Member
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, Mass
I need help identifying a fish I saw at the pet store that I wanted to research but have forgotten the name.

It was a medium sized black fish with a fat body that has a long thin tail and has one or two peach stripes across the tail.

I believe it is a bottom feeder and was in a tank with some catfish.

I remember the last part of the name having the word "fin" in it.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :S
Clown laoch, orange-finned loach, blackfin corydoras, red tail black shark, coolie/khuli loach, red-tailed catfish (sure hope not),bristlenose pleco (has orange 'stripes' on fins as juvenile),some other kind of pleco, loach or cory?
I just remembered something else. It also had the word "knife" in its name. I searched online and have not found any fish with knife and fin in its name. Only knife fish.
There are lots of knife fish... are you sure 'fin' was in its name? Anyway, most are unsuitable for your typical community because they'll eat smaller fish.
Thanks that knife fish is it! I had seen a photo of a black ghost knife fish and looked a bit different so it didn't register.

I should have figured they aren't good with littler fish when I saw him in with a bunch of catfish. He was so chill though and quite beautiful. Love at first sight.
oh well, I was bound to get my heart broken by one of these guys sooner or later.

thanks for your help. mystery solved.

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