Need Help Identifing This Loach


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
I got this loach, actually 2 of them (all they had), and need some help identifiing it. I think its a sand loach of some sort:




I also got this one for free and was wondering what it is. I dont even know if it is a loach. They come in with the ghost shrimp. Sorry for the bad pics, but it wont stay still for long. Its the one in the back by the rock. Any ideas?




Thanks for the help in advance.
The images are quite bad to say anything, but it is likely a schistura; you need to go through the pictures and see if you get a match.

If it is, it may need a lower temp and a current (mine do fine in a normal tropical tank, but they are a different species than yours.)

I know they are bad pictures. I dont have a good camera. I was just trying to see if anyone maybe had this particular loach and would know what it is from these bad pictures. I thought it might be a Schistura, and looked at all the species on the website and couldnt find a match.

EDIT: It looks a lot like the Schistura kohchangensis (Ornate Tiger Sand Loach), but the ones I have are a green color, not brown :dunno:

The pictures are a lot clearer when they are bigger, but they are too big to upload off the site, so it automatically resizes them.
as you say it is green not brown then it proberbly is a
Victory Loach - Shistura scaturigina
That's probably what it is then. A friend of mine picked up a couple of bluish gray ones himself. After a while, they grew and were mostly gray. Here's a picture of one of his: Does that look like yours?

Thats definately it. Mine are not quite that big, but it looks just like that. What has he been feeding it? Ive just been feeding mine the normal things that all my loaches eat.

Wolf, its more of a bluish green. I looked at the Shistura scaturigina to as I have been searching. The ones I have dont have the stand out yellow stripes or eyes. Other then that, they are very similiar.

I think its a very young Schistura kohchangensis.

Anybody know what that yellow looking fish is in the last 3 pictures? :dunno:

I really need to get a better camera :blink:
They are definately omnivirous. His likes flakes, pellets, algae wafers, daphnia, and brine shrimp.

I can't see the yellow loach at all in your pictures. You say it resized your pictures smaller. Can you take the large pictures you took and crop them to just the yellow loach? I'm going to make a very wild guess right now and say it's a young weather loach.
Its not a weather loach. Im not sure its even a loach. It doesnt have any barbels. Im going to try and get better pictures, but it wont stay still long enough for me to get them.
mayb u could tell us colouration or patterning almost as good as a picture im not sure but if the colours i might have an idea what it is.

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