Need Help! How Do I Clean Up Cat Pee To Remove Smell?


New Member
May 29, 2009
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Sorry this might be off topic.

My cat is getting old and peeing everywhere. grrrr!

I need to remove cat pee odor from a carpet. Does anyone no a good product or household remedy to remove cat pee from carpet?

thanks in advance.

yup - wrong topic... Unless your cat is spending so much time infront of the fish tank that it is peeing right there!

Spill some coffee on it and cover the smell up

No - honestly, I can only think of stuff we used as kids on car sick trips. Zoflora.

The smell is caused by bacteria feeding from the remaining urine. Give it a good clean with disinfectant like the above. Then ensure it dries thoroughly. That should get rid of most of it. (unless it has penetrated to the underlay - then its time to replace the lot).

Good luck.

funny enough my son peed in the living room when he ws a toddler and it was really acidic in smell, we used zoflora but also bi carb. Its supposed to soak up wee etc

lots of scrubbing and in the end it went but it took a couple of weeks to go
You have joined a fish forum specifically to ask that question? Yahoo is that-a-way ---------->
Hi unlappyillulk :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

We have a section here to talk about our other pets. I'll move your thread over there for you. :D
Just do a search and it should tell you how to get rid of the smell.
Also it might be wise now the cat is older and can't make it outside, maybe think of putting a litter tray down for the cat.
Nature's Miracle from your local pet store. You can cover up the pee smell so that you can't smell it anymore, but the CAT definitely CAN smell it and will pee in the same spot again. Nature's Miracle neutralizes it so not even the cat can smell it anymore. This is probably the best stuff you can get for pee accidents.
normal white vinegar...clean up the pee by blotting with a dry cloth. then blot the vinegar all over the area and let may need several rounds of this treatment but it works well.
id be suspicious of why the cat is peeing in the house and NOT in a litterbox. usually this is a sign of kidney/bladder infections. it hurts to pee, the associate the pain with the litterbox and so they pee elsewhere. especially if it is an older cat, id have him/her vet-checked.
Aussie Dog has the stuff; Nature's Miracle. I have two terriers, 1 & 2 years old, (Australian terriers) and as with all pups you will have housebreaking accidents. Before them I had a geriatric Cairn terrier, and with age comes incontinence issues. That product mentioned is the best I've been able to find for animal accidents.
I'd be wondering why the cat was peeing all over the place as well. If it's not something it used to do before, a cat peeing all over the place could be a sign that something is wrong.

We used to have a cat that peed on our bed twice (she wasn't allowed up there anymore lol)...
Both times, I soaked the area in a vinegar/water solution. Took a few times, and the bedroom smelled like vinegar for a while, but it worked.
The smell stays in the underlay so you need to cut that out and replace it, or he will return there and go again.

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