Fish Fanatic
I have had my planted tank set up for 9 weeks and have stocked with 4 juvenile discus (about 4 month old) and 16 Rummynose Tetra. All are well except one discus. I saw very late two nights ago it was on the tank bottom looking a bit tipped to the side and dark. It had not eaten. First thing thing next morning I did a 50% water change and added an airstone. Today I did another 30% water change and added aquarium salts according to packet instructions. I have fed shelled and chopped green peas but it's not interested. It is now at the top of the tank, looks very dark. It doesn't look like gasping for breath but it's pectoral fins are moving quite fast while the fish is stationary. I don't know what I should do. I can't see any marks on the fish. Also in my hurry to do a water change I didn't take any water readings. I waterchange every week and the conditions have never been a problem.
300 litre tank. Example is:
Nitrate 0 - 5ppm
Nitrite 0
pH 6.5
Kh 40ppm
GH 30ppm
C 0
Any suggestions appreciated. Sorry I couldn't get a clearer video.
300 litre tank. Example is:
Nitrate 0 - 5ppm
Nitrite 0
pH 6.5
Kh 40ppm
GH 30ppm
C 0
Any suggestions appreciated. Sorry I couldn't get a clearer video.