Need Help Fast w/Alb. Bristlenose fry


New Member
Aug 18, 2005
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Okay, I'm freaking out here!!! lol :hyper: I have a 30 gal with anywhere between 50 and 75 Pink Convict fry. Moved them in there away from their parents about a week ago, they are about 3 weeks old and growing fast. Anyway, this morning, I put some live BBS in there as usual and was watching them eat when to my surprise I made an astonishing discovery!!! As I'm watching tiny brine shrimp jerk around, I see something larger swimming in short bursts. I immediately thought they must be older brine shrimp. Just as quickly, I knew I was wrong because they were actually swimming and long and slim, not curled up like brine shrimp. As I watched, I realized there are a lot of them. I next worried about some kind of parasite. I looked closer and realized that they're fry. There's a bunch of them attached to the glass. OMG, they're fry from the pair of Albino Bristlenose Plecos that are in there!!! There about 3/4 as long as the Convict fry but much slimmer. They almost look like a sliver of glass. They're obviously free swimming. In the tank I have 2 pieces of drift wood, gravel substrate, UGF and a sprig of Wisteria. What should I feed them??? Please, I need some immediate help here!!
:hi: and Congrats :)

Feed them cucumber and Algae Pellets and they will feed off the wood and they should be fine :)

I feed mine on courgette (with the seed part scooped out and a piece of lead through it to keep it on the bottom), JBL Pleco Chips, Nutrafin bottom feeder tablets and occasionally shrimp pellets, i have found the bottom feeder tabs and shrimp pellets can make quite a mess in the substrate so i use 3 glass containers about 100mm (4") square with 60mm (2 1/2") high sides that keeps the food in one place and saves making a mess, they also learn where to go for food as some seem reluctant to hunt around for it.
They must have some wood in their diets to aid digestion so either a piece of drift wood or the pleco chips have 10% wood fibre in them to fulfill this requirement.
Snowman said:
I feed mine on courgette (with the seed part scooped out and a piece of lead through it to keep it on the bottom), JBL Pleco Chips, Nutrafin bottom feeder tablets and occasionally shrimp pellets, i have found the bottom feeder tabs and shrimp pellets can make quite a mess in the substrate so i use 3 glass containers about 100mm (4") square with 60mm (2 1/2") high sides that keeps the food in one place and saves making a mess, they also learn where to go for food as some seem reluctant to hunt around for it.
They must have some wood in their diets to aid digestion so either a piece of drift wood or the pleco chips have 10% wood fibre in them to fulfill this requirement.

I am no great expert on this, but lead in warm water (especially soft water) is not a great idea - it actually contaminates the water, which is why lead water pipes (much in use in the UK in Victorian times) have been replaced as a matter of urgency. I know that some suppliers provide plants weighted with lead wrapping, but really, please check it out - it is bad news.

Lead poisoning is very serious. :sick: :alien:

There is a stainless steel weight especially designed for cucumber on Ebay - check it out. (I have NO connection with the seller at all.)

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