Help, I’m starting to notice red areas on my fish that looks like bleeding, I’m new to fish keeping so I’m not sure what to do or if it even is that. I first noticed it on one of my Cory’s, he was in good health and acting normal the night before, and when I woke up and checked on them in the morning he was at the bottom of the tank not moving with red marks on his side. He died about 20 minutes later. All the other fish seem to be acting normal, except today I noticed a red mark around one of my barbs fin that was not there before. She’s acting normal, and the water parameters seem okay. I have a 30gal tank with 6 rosy barbs, 6(now 5) emerald Cory’s, and 1 bristlenose pleco. I haven’t noticed any bully behavior from any of the fish either. Any ideas what this could be? I’m very worried abt the barb dying like my poor Cory
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