Need Help Deciding ......


Jun 26, 2007
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I have a 4ft tank, sand substrate live plants and over filtered. Its been cycled and stock for about 6 weeks now. When I stocked it I decided to have rainbows and gouramis as my centerpiece fish so I got 2 opaline gouramis, 2 bosemanis, 2 red-tailed banded rainbows and 2 dwarf blue rainbows.

Since then my gouramis have died - I think it was just one of those things as all stats were and are fine. So now I need to decide how to replace them. I dont want any more gouramis and am also being mindful of overstocking so I think my choices are either 1 more of the bosemani and red tailed banded OR 4 more dwarf blues.

Which combination would be best? Or is there another combination I'm not seeing?? Other tank inhabitants are harlequin rasboras and zebra danios at the top and cories and khulis at the bottom so nobody aggressive!

Muchly thanks for any input!
Sorry losses are difficult to bear and I wish you luck with the rest of the tank. It is difficult to get a happy community and it takes time to get to know what settles with what. Yes there are the big no nos like angels with neon tetras and then there is the complex ratio of male and females. Can I just applaud you for taking time to think what next.
I will probably be told i know nothing but I do think Gouramis need either a shoal of five or have to be on there own. They seem to be bossy fish with superiority complexes to me.

They are very difficult and really need a mature tank and there I will get knocked back but that is my experience.

Why not go for some of the beautiful tetras or platties as they are not as expensive.

Good luck,

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