Need Help Deciding on Cichlids


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
There are so many!

Im transferring all my tropicals from my 75 to my 150.

I need to know whats a good beginner cichlid tank. Im goin to put cichlids in my 75.
How many can i keep?

Id like to do some breeding if possible?

What are some good compatible species to mix?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Electric yellows/yellow labs/ Labichromis ceruleus, are quite peacefull for a mbuna probally one of the more hardy species, but most of the african cichlids are, they get great color, interact alot and are very common, plus I hear it is hard to stop them from bredding when theyu are old enough so you'll get lot's of fry i;m sure with these, other people will probally be able to help you more i'm only keeping a few different kinds right now
Don't worry about breeding them, that seems to be the first thing on everyones mind, even before they've ever kept them, which I don't understand. Provide the right environment and they're breed for you, no reason for you to get involved ;)

There are many Africans that would be good for your tank, and it is largly personal prefernce. The best thing to do is decide whether you want mbuna, haps, or tanganyikans, then find some species that you like. From there we can figure out what is compatable, and what isn't.

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