Need Help Cycling!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
;) I started cycling my 46 gallon tank on January 9th and bought pure ammonia for the use of the "Fishless Cyle." The filter, heater and gravel was all set up.

Around a week later, the Ammonia started to rise and I waited for the Nitrite to spike. Unfortunatly, my test kit ran out and I wasn't able to tests the Nitrites. I guess I missed the Nitrite spike, but I continued to add the pure ammonia.

:huh: A few weeks later I did a 75% water change, but after that the Ammonia started to rise again. I assumed the tank wasn't finished cycling and started adding pure ammonia back in.

After a couple weeks, I dropped the dosage of pure ammonia to half (one drop for every 5 gallons) and tested the Nitrates. They were above 100 mg/l, which is higher than what my test reads. I think this is the last stage of the "Fishless Cycle" Now, I'm not sure what to do next. Any advice? :unsure:
I have never done a fishless cycle before but if I were you I would do a 50 percent water change and knock the nitrates down to 50 and then wait a few days and then check the ammonia,nitrites, and nitrates.
After you've done the big water change, you'll either have to add fish or ammonia again, or the bacteria start to die from lack of food. This happened to me the first time -- I wasn't quick enough :p

nitrite is something you need to test on a weekly basis once your tank is cycled. i'd advise you to go and get another test kit. it's important to know what all your levels are, and dangerous to hope for the best -_-
RobbieM said:
so when you start a new tank you have to ADD amonia?
That's if you're not using fish to cycle the tank. If you want to learn how to cycle without fish here are a couple of how-to links:

Fishless Cycling
Fishless Cycling Revisited

And a couple of examples (10 and 14 day cycles!):

Fishless Diary 1
Fishless Diary 2

I'm on day 2 using the revisited method... and this is my first tank ever. Hopefully all will go well.

Good luck!
:/ Should I let nature take its corse and the nitrates go down by themselves? I stopped adding pure ammonia and I'm waiting for my new test kit to arrive. Thanks for the advice! ;)
the bacteria in your tank NEED ammonia to live. if there are no fish, and you are putting no ammonia in the water, then your bacteria will die and you'll have to start all over again

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