Need Help Breeding Catfish


If you tell me a little more about your corys, perhaps I can help you. How many do you have? What kind are they? Do you know if you have both males and females? Do you know if they are mature?

Some corys are quite easy to breed, but others are difficult or impossible to get to spawn in a home aquarium. If you answer the questions above, we can give you some idea of what your chances are and if they can be bred, we'll be happy to help you. :D
Iv'e never breed my catfish, Soz i can' help ya
c.aeweus broze and il got 4 of them two of them is bigger then the other two
and i have them a 6 months now

Do you mean c.aenues the Bronze Cory? If so, you can find numerous guides on breeding them by doing a simple search via google. Inchworm especially, has given me lots of information on conditioning corys, so im sure she can help you.

Its a great sign that two are bigger, do you mean longer of fatter? If they are clearly fatter, this points that they are female. That means you are quite likely to have a possible breeding pair. In short, to start the spawning process, try feeding them on live/frozen foods for a week or so, then do a few cooler waters changes. If this doesn't trigger spawning, repeat the process within the next few weeks. :)
Iv'e never breed my catfish, Soz i can' help ya
c.aeweus broze and il got 4 of them two of them is bigger then the other two
and i have them a 6 months now

Do you mean c.aenues the Bronze Cory? If so, you can find numerous guides on breeding them by doing a simple search via google. Inchworm especially, has given me lots of information on conditioning corys, so im sure she can help you.

Its a great sign that two are bigger, do you mean longer of fatter? If they are clearly fatter, this points that they are female. That means you are quite likely to have a possible breeding pair. In short, to start the spawning process, try feeding them on live/frozen foods for a week or so, then do a few cooler waters changes. If this doesn't trigger spawning, repeat the process within the next few weeks. :)
yes one is bigger and they are going around in pairs a lot il try what u said about the food and water changes hope fully i will have some mini catfish soon :lol:

Corys are schooling fish and don't pair up like some other kinds of fish do, but it does sound like you have 2 males and 2 females and they are probably mature or very close to it. Bronze corys are an excellent fish to spawn and raise their fry.

What I suggest you do is to set up a basic spawning tank for them. This is a 10 gallon tank with only a little bit of sand or fine gravel at the bottom, a heater and a box filter run by an air pump. This way, you can have a good place to condition them and let them lay their eggs without them being eaten by your other fish. Once they have spawned, you can then move the parents back to your regular tank, clean the gravel or sand out without disturbing the eggs and raise the fry right there.

The time to start thinking about what you will feed the fry is as soon as you begin preparations to spawn the corys, since very tiny live foods (like microworms or baby brine shrimp) will be best for them. I use microworms because the fry thrive on them and they are easy to grow once you have a starter culture. :D

Corys are schooling fish and don't pair up like some other kinds of fish do, but it does sound like you have 2 males and 2 females and they are probably mature or very close to it. Bronze corys are an excellent fish to spawn and raise their fry.

What I suggest you do is to set up a basic spawning tank for them. This is a 10 gallon tank with only a little bit of sand or fine gravel at the bottom, a heater and a box filter run by an air pump. This way, you can have a good place to condition them and let them lay their eggs without them being eaten by your other fish. Once they have spawned, you can then move the parents back to your regular tank, clean the gravel or sand out without disturbing the eggs and raise the fry right there.

The time to start thinking about what you will feed the fry is as soon as you begin preparations to spawn the corys, since very tiny live foods (like microworms or baby brine shrimp) will be best for them. I use microworms because the fry thrive on them and they are easy to grow once you have a starter culture. :D
thanks a lot :)

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