Need Help! Betta with Curled up fins!!?


New Member
Jan 9, 2020
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Marion, LA
I just noticed this curled up fin on my Betta fish and I am worried about him, what does this mean? How do I know if it's tail rot ?
He's a half moon betta in a 3 gallon tank alone with constant filter and temp regulated. I have also noticed recently he just lays at the bottom of his tank a lot and never saw him doing that before. I did go out of town for a few weeks and had someone feeding him but his tank got really filthy while I was gone, I've cleaned it now but i just noticed this curled up spot on his tail (images attached)
Please help me figure out what's wrong with my fish


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Did you cycle his tank before adding him? What are your water parameters meters ( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)? Are you aware of the nitrogen cycle and how long has he been in this tank? Here’s some info on cycling your tank just in case.

I did not cycle his tank, I was not aware of any of this. He has been in this tank for a little over 2 months now, I moved him to this one from a small .5 gallon tank. I have test strips that are showing the water has a high ph and high alkalinity but the same strips always read 0 for nitrate and nitrite
I did not cycle his tank, I was not aware of any of this. He has been in this tank for a little over 2 months now, I moved him to this one from a small .5 gallon tank. I have test strips that are showing the water has a high ph and high alkalinity but the same strips always read 0 for nitrate and nitrite


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I did not cycle his tank, I was not aware of any of this. He has been in this tank for a little over 2 months now, I moved him to this one from a small .5 gallon tank. I have test strips that are showing the water has a high ph and high alkalinity but the same strips always read 0 for nitrate and nitrite
What should I do next? How do I know he's going to be okay.
First, you need an API MASTER FRESHWATER TEST Kit. (Sorry that all came out in caps). Then test daily and anytime you have elevated ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates do a water change. You’ll have to read and do a fish in cycle now. It’s ok. Just watch your parameters and do the water changes anytime your ammonia or nitrites get too high. You may want to get a bottle of Tetra Safe Start too to help kick start the cycle. If you know someone with some used filter media you can get some of it and stuff behind your own. It will already have beneficial bacteria on it and will also jump start your tank. If you se Seachem Prime, don’t use it for 24 hours after using Quick Start or it will eat the bottled bacteria. Use another dechlorinator for first 24 hours and then go back to prime. Read on fish in cycle and then feel free to ask questions. Here to help!

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