Need help ASAP with my Betta


May 15, 2023
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Ok. This morning Tayo (pronounced Tie-oh), my male Betta was completely fine. Not heavy breathing, eating normally, no bloating. Fast forward to now, I just did a PWC and forgot to dechlorinate my tap water. I only poured about a quarter of what was in the bucket, then I realized and freaked out, immediately put dechlorinator in the tank and bucket. Poured the rest, but now, 3 mins after he seemed bloated and heavy breathing.

Will this go away??? Is it just a reaction to the past chlorine??


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Add enough dechlorinater to treat the tank and aerate the water. Hopefully it settles down overnight.
Add enough dechlorinater to treat the tank and aerate the water. Hopefully it settles down overnight.
I added more than usual l, and he is still exploring. Should I try feeding him any frozen brine shrimp or daphnia, or flakes, or should I just not feed at all?

Does a small exposure to chlorine cause bloating because he wasnt this big this morning?
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Offer him some food at his normal feeding time. Use frozen or live food.

Chlorine doesn't normally cause fish to bloat but it might be related to the Bettas digestive tract and swim bladder that can be affected by sudden changes in water chemistry.

Monitor his poop and eating habits and if he stops eating and does a stringy white poop, that's a serious problem.
Offer him some food at his normal feeding time. Use frozen or live food.

Chlorine doesn't normally cause fish to bloat but it might be related to the Bettas digestive tract and swim bladder that can be affected by sudden changes in water chemistry.

Monitor his poop and eating habits and if he stops eating and does a stringy white poop, that's a serious problem.
Will do. I'll feed him, maybe just some flakes or daphnia. His fins are still puffed out and moving around like normal, so hopefully he's not sick.
Just fed him some freeze dried daphnia. He ate it, not a vigorously as he did this morning, but still enjoyed it.

Edit: I had 2 ghosts shrimp in there, but I've only been seeing one for about 2 weeks. Now I don't see any....could his belly just have gotten a lot bigger from possibly eating one of the ghosts shrimp?

Another edit: He is still as bloated. And I just saw the ghost shrimp so he didn't eat it. I'm not sure of any explanation for this...
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