Need Fish That Would Eat Guppy Fry


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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i have juwel rio 180 with 4 glass cats, several guppies (10 adults and some fry) and a garra. I would like to add a fish that would eat baby guppies but only when they are very small, but would not harm the adult ones...

I like WCMM but people say that they would not do a good job of eating the fry...

I was also thinking about angel fish but heard they can be aggressive and I do not have a tank to put it in in case it doesn't work out....

Help please!
I think a group of barbs might work. Cherry or golden barbs perhaps?

But arent barbs nippy? I have fancy guppies...
you can borrow my jag if you want lol he will polish them off for you he he

But arent barbs nippy? I have fancy guppies...

Tiger barbs are yes, even more so when kept in groups of less than 6. But Cherries tend to be quite peaceful.

Failing barbs you might try a bottom dwelling cichlid like a Kribensis?
bettas, African dwarf frogs, other guppies, barbs.
my tank is a guppy fry fry killing machine.
THX for all the replies...

I think I will have a closer look at cherry barbs and kribensis. i have trouble getting rainbow fish here and when they are available they are usually the bigger varieties...

dwarf frogs eat guppy fry? (I can't get them either, only those big albinos :( )

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