Need Feeding Advice


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Based on my signature, I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on what to feed, and possible treats for my fishies......

Currently (daily) I am giving the following:

small amounts of Premium flakes, algae disc broken down into smaller pieces and sprinkling of Spectra Thera A anti non medicated anti parasite pellets (which they all love).
Every second day diet is shrimp pallets & tropical fish Food pallets with Amino Acids by Pro Balance.

I have started with frozen peas, lightly cooked in microwave, shelled and then placed 3 (cuts into halves again) into tank but they dont seem interested.
Also placed a blanched small 1cm cut cucuumber and again not that interested...

Is there anything else I could feed them or are they ok with above food???
I would say that the fish in your signature picture is too big for a typical home aquarium and is accustomed to a high protein diet.
hahahahaha maybe some members have a tank that could possibly take Bob The Great White as a pet for your living room.......any takers?
The diet sounds fine to me . . . good quality fish foods contain a fully balanced diet. You don't need to blanch cucumber, by the way, it's soft enough.

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