Need Facts On Striped Peacock Eel!


New Member
Jan 19, 2009
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i need everything on striped peacock eels.....what they eat...what kind of tank they should be in........and how long they grow.....ect. :good:
honestly google would answer your questions and all you need to do i click for five minutes more :blink:

what they eat...
forget processed food or anything under this category (flakes, pellets etc), i've never heard of one that accepts these. you'd have more luck with live food (tubifex, brine shrimp etc), and maybe alittle luck with frozen. mine refuses to accept frozen bloodworm and takes only live tubifex

what kind of tank they should be in........
i'd say a 55g would be a minimum to house these guys properly till adulthood

and how long they grow.....
around 14" or so
Do a search for Macrognathus siamensis, as this is usually the species traded. I've certainly written about them a lot here at TFF, as well as in magazines. Broadly, they're easy to keep, provided you [a] give them a sandy substrate; provide them with suitable live/frozen foods; and [c] don't try and mix them with loaches and catfish, as this usually ends up with a starved spiny eel. Once settled in, you can add other bottom feeders, but wait until your eel is tame and feeding enthusiastically.

Most folks go wrong because the eels jump out, starve, or are kept in tanks with a gravel substrate.

Cheers, Neale

i need everything on striped peacock eels.....what they eat...what kind of tank they should be in........and how long they grow.....ect. :good:
i got pebble/rocks for it...they are not very rough but do they affect its eating habits?? mine is not eating but i have had it for 2 weeks...

Do a search for Macrognathus siamensis, as this is usually the species traded. I've certainly written about them a lot here at TFF, as well as in magazines. Broadly, they're easy to keep, provided you [a] give them a sandy substrate; provide them with suitable live/frozen foods; and [c] don't try and mix them with loaches and catfish, as this usually ends up with a starved spiny eel. Once settled in, you can add other bottom feeders, but wait until your eel is tame and feeding enthusiastically.

Most folks go wrong because the eels jump out, starve, or are kept in tanks with a gravel substrate.

Cheers, Neale

i need everything on striped peacock eels.....what they eat...what kind of tank they should be in........and how long they grow.....ect. :good:

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