New Member
Hello, I have a question about heaters and am hoping someone who understands the internals can help. I have a very modest/small tank (20 gallon long). It had a simple, cheap 100W heater, probably made in China but I'm not certain. Since I always feared that someday it would fail without my notice, I built a monitoring system using a submersible temperature probe and Raspberry Pi, and set it up to alert me if the temperature went outside my preferred range. (I prefer to keep the tank around 79 F.) So recently, the heater failed and alerted me. I bought a new one, also cheap and similar to the old one. But this time I decided to actually examine the data. The heater keeps the tank within a pretty tight range of about 0.3 deg, but the median temp drops at nighttime. If the heater is thermostatically controlled, then the behavior I'm seeing doesn't make sense. And yet, with the tank fairly stable and the heater element off, if I just tweak the adjustment knob a tiny bit higher, the heater element turns on, which seems to indicate that it is thermostatically controlled. I've attached a pic showing the temperature vs. time behavior for a 24-hour period. I can't complain about the range it's maintaining overall, since it's right around one full degree F. But it appears that if our nighttime temps drop significantly this winter, it could be a problem. (Our home thermostat setting won't change during the winter, but the tank is right next to an external wall.)
Does anyone know how these cheap heaters work?
Does anyone know how these cheap heaters work?