Need Cory Help Please!

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
I think both my green and my peppered cories have dropped eggs all over the place! This would thrill me beyond belief EXCEPT that this is all happening in the 29g that's being medicated! Please, please, help me figure out what to do! Am I just out of luck with this batch? I so hope not.
Hi This Old Spouse :)

I'm going to move your thread to the Corydoras section where you'll get more responses. In the meanwhile, take a look at this article. It will give you an overview of the way to raise corys. There are many variations on it.

I know you don't want to hear it but it would probably be best if you let this batch go and planned to raise the next one. If you have C. aeneus (the green (?)ones) and C. paleatus (peppered corys,)and they are well, they will probably spawn again soon, perhaps shortly after you remove the medication by doing big water changes.

What's wrong with your fish that has caused them to be medicated?
There was a bad case of mouth fungus, initially brought in by some trilis from an LFS that turned out to be pretty bad, but of course I didn't know it at the time. I started out with 14 of the little guys, and now I'm down to 3, with one barely hanging on. All the cories in this tank have various lengths and health of barbels, so medicating with tetracycline was my last resort.

Thanks for this. I'd been waiting SO long for a spawn ...
I'm sorry to learn that, This Old Spouse. I was hoping you might say it was for ick or something other than that. :X
You could try saving them & see what happens,it they hatch and survive and grow healthy all good... :good:

I'm not 100% sure if meds affect the eggs at all. :unsure:

Or has inchworm says just leave them,if they've spawned once,they'll more than likely do it again :good:

Hows their corys coming along? is the meds working?
might be good to save them, saves you paying for new fish if they survive :)
I've stopped medicating this tank, and put some carbon filters to work to remove any remaining t'cycline. Then my plan is to do a massive w/c, and put in a cycled filter (the whole thing ... all ready to go from another tank). I'm going to leave the eggs right where they are and see what happens. Many were gone when I got up this morning, but there's plenty left right in front of the powerhead, so they're getting plenty of water movement. Who knows? Maybe I'll get some fry.

I still have one poor trili who's tail is almost gone because of fungus. I'm debating whether to euthanize the poor guy. He's stopped eating and just sits at the bottom of the tank now. I don't have any clove oil. I just have to work my way up to doing it.
I'd collect the eggs, bath them in a meth blue solution, and place them to clean water container to hatch. (The reason for meth blue is to make sure you are not carrying the infection along with the eggs, it is effective against most bacterial pathogens in water, including flex.) The eggs you leave in the tank may be eaten by the cories, ditto for the fry, and those that survive may develop the disease... but removing and cleaning the eggs gives them a chance.

Incidentally, tetracycline is nearly a useless medication: most pathogenic bacteria is resistant to it now. If "mouth fungus" you are dealing with is flex, then the effective meds are kanamycin and/or furan.

Good luck!
Well, where were you a month ago?? I sure could have used the info on flex. I've been battling mouth fungus for a month or more. I've lost many trili cories to this little monster of a disease and I'm about to lose another. I've got him in a 5g tank dosed with Melafix right now. Any other meds I'd have to get online (I live in the middle of nowhere) so I need to dose with something now if I'm going to save him. Any suggestions with what I have?
Sorry for your problems -- happen.

Any suggestions with what I have?

I don't know what you have!

Melafix is useless against flex; in fact it is pretty much useless against any infection of any kind, it is a mild tissue regrowth promoter, not a life saver.

It is a good idea to have common meds on hand. Store them at low temp so you can keep them for a long time.

If you don't have antibiotics, you can also try using dyes, acriflavine specifically is often effective.


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