Need convincing


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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I want a SW tank! I have no money but when I get my job at a lfs hopefully, I want to start my sw tank with a lfs discount. This store is the best when it comes to sw where I live. But idk if I should buy a new tank or get rid of my fw fish ad do a sw tank. What would you reccommed as a cleaning crew for a 20 gallon? btw post 1000 :)
If cost is an issue and you REALLY want to do a sw tank, then I would recommend getting rid of some fw fish and using their tank. It will only cut down a very small amount of money, but enough to buy some live rock with!
The money isnt really a factor, I do ahve to pay for things but Ill save. I really want to do a sw tank, but idk if I want to give my fw fish up.
I would never give up my clowns. Worse comes to worse they go to a friends. I dont think my parents are going to let me have a bigger tank. Idk what to so.
IMO, get those clowns squared away before you start a SW tank. Plus, doing a tank under 30 gallons (Nano) requires more work than a normal SW tank.
I know Ive done a lot of research. Iw as planning on getting a larger tank for my clown loaches and turning the 20 long into a sw tank anyways.

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