Need Confirmation On Id


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I've had these three for a while now and after many a search
I think they are copperstripe barbs Barbus multilineatus
but there is that little seed of doubt growing in my mind.

can anyone confirm this?


after several hundred shots these are the best I could get.

They were labled in the shop as unknown danio :rofl:
Not to cloud you judgement but could they possibly be
Barbus lateristriga
definatley not a T-barb
Totally off topic here but your plant (flower?) looks like it is flipping us all the bird. :lol:
The best picture I found on line for copper strip barbs with a red tail and dorsal fin. This pic is on this page but I'm sure you've already seen it.
not seen that pic but that don't look like mine :S
You keep buying these oddballs Wolfie.
Nice find. How much did you pay for them?
Obviously your LFS didn't have a cule as to their identity otherwise they might have been a lot more.
again... excellent find.
Tut tut wolfie, old age must be rotting your brains because this is not the section for cyprinid questions :p

I'll move it to CC&A for you

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