Need another Live fish eater/hunter.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Puget Sound area, WA USA
Hello all,

I'd like to know what your opinions are regarding a fish species I should look into to replace the live fish eater that my Leaf Fish is. WHY?? My Amazon Leaf Fish is dying, and I have many guppies raised as food - I enjoy the hunting.

I don't know too much about other fish that I don't already have. (I'd talk with my LFS, but there are only a few really good ones where I live, and it's a weekend trip to get to. I also enjoy the instant ideas from this Forum).

So, please, take a look at my signature to see what is in my 100gal, and fill me in on a good live fish eater. I'd really appreciate it!

Water Quality, 100gal:
(tested 12-04-2003):
Temp 78º
pH 6.8
Nitrate 0ppm(Mg/L)
Ammonia 0ppm(mg/L)
Carbonate & General Hardness (kH & GH) scale range is 11º-22º(200-400ppm)
If watching the hunt is the only reason you have fish I think that you should seek help. And I'm beeing very serious

opcn said:
If watching the hunt is the only reason you have fish I think that you should seek help. And I'm beeing very serious

Where did she say that was the ONLY reason she wanted fish?

I like watching it too. To me, there's nothing like predatory fish and I see nothing wrong with anyone liking that aspect of it. It's not the ONLY aspect I like but it's definately a huge factor in fish I choose. I won't keep fish that aren't aggro or that don't kill, as they bore me to tears but I don't cut you or anyone else down because you choose to.

To say anyone needs help because they like it is pretty close minded and uncalled for, imo.
This is a difficult one, most predatory fish will also pick off the other fish in the 100g as well as the feeders but if the fish are all full grown then prehaps one of the dwarf species of pike cichlid would work, though i think the frogs would still get it, one of the smaller species of polypterus (bichirs) like a palmas or senegal bichir would work but these tend to hunt at night so you wouldnt see the hunting behaviour, and again the frogs would get it. Other than that i cant think of anything as relatively small fish like rams and skirt tetras will be seen by almost all predators as food, even other mini predators like needle fish will have no trouble with a 3" fish once full grown and once you get into the realms of catfish and dwarf snakeheads your tank would be empty in a matter of days.
you could try the african pike characin (Boulengerella maculata. there was one in our shop once. it used to snap up neons. they get to about 30 cm. they resemble a gar in shape but are a little more colourfull than most. they retale here at about £27.00. they need a PH of 6.5-7 and a temp of 25. the one we had didn't seem to want to touch anything larger then neons ant that was at 20cm. but thats only my experience, they may have a go at larger fish.
Ste sorry to correct you mate but Boulengerella species come from south america, the african pike Hepsetus odoe is a much different fish that would masacre a tank with fish less than 12" in, african pikes can get to around 30" and are very mean predators, the info for the pike characin (boulengerella sp) is more or less correct though i still wouldnt trust them with slim bodied fish under 4" in length.
"bgraber" thank you, I'd get another Leaf Fish, but I think my water hardness isn't letting them live long with me. This is the third Leaf Fish I have been with.

"ste2k3" thank you. Your suggestion was sounding promising!

"CFC" The three Blue Rams are one inch (adolescents). The frogs are a concern as well. I would hate to lose them.

"Abernathy", no I have not looked at that Web site. Thank you.

What I am discovering is, there isn't much option for another somber hunter like the Leaf Fish. This fish is very good with the current fish it shares the tank with. I may just cull the feeders I have, and never mind the Fry nurseries or attempt to save as many fry as I can. Rather, let nature take it's course with the Fry.

I cannot see an aggressive hunter in my tank, as many of you have warned (thank you). That would upset my housemates who enjoy the tank, and of course all the other fish within my tank.

I appreciate all your suggestions! :D
Jennifer_R said:
I may just cull the feeders I have, and never mind the Fry nurseries or attempt to save as many fry as I can. Rather, let nature take it's course with the Fry.
why not see if your lfs will take them in for a 1/3 of the price they sell them for, or something like that (i know it's not much, but altogether you should get a fair bit of money, and you can spend it on stuff in the store!!) :) it's much nicer than culling them :X
I used to have a snowflake eel (Gymnothorax Tile), and he loved feeder guppies, but he was nocturnal, and I hardly ever got to see him eat. I would put in a dozen at night, and by morning, only 3-4 would be left. They are also very fragile to water conditions, as I found out.
rsz said:
why not see if your lfs will take them in for a 1/3 of the price they sell them for, or something like that (i know it's not much, but altogether you should get a fair bit of money, and you can spend it on stuff in the store!!) :) it's much nicer than culling them :X
"rsz", of course. This is always an option. I can always ask. :thumbs:
Jennifer_R said:
rsz said:
why not see if your lfs will take them in for a 1/3 of the price they sell them for, or something like that (i know it's not much, but altogether you should get a fair bit of money, and you can spend it on stuff in the store!!) :) it's much nicer than culling them :X
"rsz", of course. This is always an option. I can always ask. :thumbs:
glad you like the idea :D :p

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