Need An Id On A Catfish


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2007
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went to maidenhead today and they had some tiny little suckermouth type catfish in there. i dont remember the name though. they were said to be oddballs and only got to 7cm although the guy said he'd never seen them get that big before. they were completely black and were only 1cm long. i know its vague but anyone got any ideas?
after doing lots of googling and searching on here i think its a hara jerdoni, the only difference is that they seemed darker in colour than the pictures ive found, does anyone know anything about these little catfish? they seemed really nice in the store
If they are hara's then they need a cooler than average tank and lots of flow, certainly not something that is suitable for an average community tank. Their care is very similar to that of hillstream loaches.
the shape looks very similar, i actually thought they were tiny frogs when i first saw them. thanx for the help guys, i was just curious as to what they were like exactly :) think i'll stick to my corys!! :rolleyes:

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