Need An I.d Please.


Fish Herder
Feb 6, 2011
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I went to my LFS earlier and they couldn't get my yellow watchman goby as TMC were out of stock.

So to the point they have a black goby that looks very similar to a YWG and it has like blue spots on its side and I don't know what its like and are they okay with other fish and inverts its £30 if that helps.

They also had a red and white with yellow fins high fin goby for £30 they are both very very nice.
Anyone help Liam with this? I'm rubbish with Gobies!
I think it is just a black watchman goby but im thinking of getting the high fin tomorrow if its still there as its awesome :wub:
It sounds good! I'll look it up!! Do you know that ones name?

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