Jane L
New Member
Hi--Jane L here, a newbie. I wish my circumstances for being here were nicer. Because I was ignorant and learned only by this experience, I have an eight inch plecostomus in my tank who is either sick or injured as of about four days ago. He was fine, no problems whatsoever before that other than the fact that I had become concerned at his size (he is in a 25 gal tank which is the larger of the two I have) and was going to give him to my brother with a 50 gal tank....anyway, I heard a huge sploosh the other evening and couldn't see anything wrong when I checked it out, figured it was my two angelfish sparring like they usually do. The next morning, I saw that the pleco was swollen in his belly, still moving around but looked pregnant! After that, he has settled down to the bottom of the tank, barely moving, and has gotten so swollen that it looks like he is going to explode. He is still breathing (mouth suctioning) but refusing any food since then, and only moves slightly because when he does his tail levitates his rear end up. I do not know what to do to help him. Could anyone help me out here with advice, knowledge, anything that would be the right thing to do? I feel so bad for him. From what I read it sounds like swim bladder injury...?